Welcome To Wellwork Engineering

Wellwork Engineering is one of the leading industrial Company in Pakistan. The company was established in 2010 with the commitment to provide quality products with unmatched services for becoming hidden hand in success of our valued customers. These products are widely appreciated by the clients due to their reliability, long functional life, sturdy construction and excellent performance. 

We have rich and fully satisfied clientele consisting of small, medium and large scale industries such as Petrochemicals, Oil & Gas, Pharmaceuticals, Chemicals, Fertilizers Pulp & Paper, Plastics Industries, Textile, Municipal Corporation, Sugar, Power, Steel & OEMs etc.
Our customers acknowledge us as reliable source of industrial products manufactured by leading multinational companies with competitive prices, prompt deliveries backed up with unparalleled after sales services

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Engineering Capability

Wellwork Engineering Boosts of complete integration house and has joint ventures around the world with manufacturers of high repute and unquestionable quality to provide the complete solutions to our clients in Pakistan.

Our Project

ll persons involved in a project must have a clear idea of the problems to be dealt with. That is why we divide each project into “Stages” so that complex problems can be easily understood.

System Design

Now we introduce our products and technologies the question in which kind of equipment, methods and processes are to be used in the system so that it performs all the functions required.

Defining the Task

In a preliminary study, all data and facts are collected. It defines the preconditions and possible solutions.

Our main objective is to assist those responsible for the supervision, control and optimization of chemical processes, distributed over a large area. These processes require maximum reliability, availability and cost-effectiveness. We fulfill these tasks by means of integral systems, solutions for data acquisition, transmission, distribution, processing and the representation of correct information. By “Correct” we mean making the right amount of information available at the right place at the right time without any information getting lost or changed unnoticed.


We work in partnership with all the major technology suppliers, developing first class solutions for our clients.

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    +12 (0) 345 678 9